Post by Scott on Mar 2, 2006 23:21:18 GMT -8
Is there any reason why the Queen of Nanaimo has approx. 500 less passenger capacity than the V-class ships other than crew size?
Post by Curtis on Mar 3, 2006 8:16:17 GMT -8
Probably because of the evacuation slides or something like that
Post by Dane on Mar 3, 2006 11:53:35 GMT -8
Is there any reason why the Queen of Nanaimo has approx. 500 less passenger capacity than the V-class ships other than crew size? I am not sure, but part of the "way past mid life upgrade" it got was also aimed at reducing the number of crew on the vessel. That is one of the reasons they were going to get rid of the cafeteria. I never heard the resolution of all of this, so I'd wonder if in fact the total number of crew was reduced? Generally those evacuation chutes allow less crew for the same amount of pax a la the C-Class.
Post by Notgreg on Mar 3, 2006 14:01:26 GMT -8
First off let me disclose the fact that I worked on the Nanaimo from May2004 to October2005 as a casual catering attendant.
The crew size has been reduced as a result of the new evacuation sysytem (slide) and other management issues. These are what I recall the licenses to be:
2004: A-35(1129), B-32(986), C-29(789), D-26(616), E-23(395)
2005: A-33(1129), B-30(986), C-27(789), D-24(616), E-21(395) note: the 2005 data come from a muster list liberated on the trip to deas dock for the refit. 2006: A-27, B-22, C-20, D-19
Usually there would be Deck (8) and Engineering (4) with the rest Catering. On some licenses there were 6 deckhands rather than 5.
If you are on the vessel check the muster list outside the Chief Stewards office for the crew emergency duties. There will also be a variety of crew MED books next to them. It should be easy to determine what license you are on from that info. Elements of this list are found in the licenses/permits/general bureaucratic stuff outside the bridge in a sealed cabinet.
As far as I know from a recent trip the new system has 4 stations with 3 rafts of 100 person capacity at each. This gives a reasonable total. I don't have the exact passenger numbers for the new ship but they can't be that far off the 2005 A-D licenses.
The V class on Route One would most likely have 8-10 rafts (25 persons) at each of 6 stations. Total 1500. Throw in 2 54 person lifeboats and I figure thats close to the quoted 1708 passenger and crew total.
Off the record, I would avoid all lifeboats on older vessels.
Hope this helps!
Post by Dane on Mar 3, 2006 21:03:22 GMT -8
Thanks, that was very iformative.