Post by Steve Rosenow on Dec 20, 2012 7:12:35 GMT -8
Last night I reached a milestone on this particular pilothouse. That milestone?
The end of the line, as far as 3D detail development.
Overall, I think I've reached that milestone in development where the details aspect is finally complete. My health has improved somewhat (I was hospitalized late last week upon a trip to Wenatchee, for severe chest pain), gaining me allowance to work on it for a little bit over the last couple days, and last night, I added the last bit of details and did the last bit of detail correction. A couple days ago, a fellow professional photographer was gracious enough to send me his entire photo library he's taken of the pilothouses of the ferries he's documented so far (which so happen to be the Steel Electrics), and I was able to further glean new details off of them as well, and incorporate them into the final model. The photos he's provided will also help me develop the pilothouses for virtual WSF ferries I've planned for future development. (one of them being a famous retiree now mired in controversy!)
After this, it's off to gauge development and final texture color correction. As far as gauge development, at the moment I am extremely frustrated since Flight Sim Panel Studio seems to be a little, erm, "challenged" in the sense that it's not reading my bitmaps for the photoreal prop shaft RPM gauge and rudder angle repeater telegraphs I'm trying to make.
Without further adieu, here's a screenshot of the finished pilothouse taken using the 3D software application SketchUp. Note the new switches and buttons. (All I need is one last photo for label purposes that I was unable to get; for now I'm leaving them blank).
M.V. Kaleetan Virtual Pilothouse. Project Status: 3D Development Complete 12/20/2012 by Loowit Imaging - Steve Rosenow, Photographer, on Flickr
The end of the line, as far as 3D detail development.
Overall, I think I've reached that milestone in development where the details aspect is finally complete. My health has improved somewhat (I was hospitalized late last week upon a trip to Wenatchee, for severe chest pain), gaining me allowance to work on it for a little bit over the last couple days, and last night, I added the last bit of details and did the last bit of detail correction. A couple days ago, a fellow professional photographer was gracious enough to send me his entire photo library he's taken of the pilothouses of the ferries he's documented so far (which so happen to be the Steel Electrics), and I was able to further glean new details off of them as well, and incorporate them into the final model. The photos he's provided will also help me develop the pilothouses for virtual WSF ferries I've planned for future development. (one of them being a famous retiree now mired in controversy!)
After this, it's off to gauge development and final texture color correction. As far as gauge development, at the moment I am extremely frustrated since Flight Sim Panel Studio seems to be a little, erm, "challenged" in the sense that it's not reading my bitmaps for the photoreal prop shaft RPM gauge and rudder angle repeater telegraphs I'm trying to make.
Without further adieu, here's a screenshot of the finished pilothouse taken using the 3D software application SketchUp. Note the new switches and buttons. (All I need is one last photo for label purposes that I was unable to get; for now I'm leaving them blank).
M.V. Kaleetan Virtual Pilothouse. Project Status: 3D Development Complete 12/20/2012 by Loowit Imaging - Steve Rosenow, Photographer, on Flickr